KMD89 Consulting Offers a Variety of Consulting Services to Educate You About the VA Claims Process

KMD89 VA Claims Consulting Services

  • Customized Educational Packets

    Are you a veteran seeking clarity on VA's complex diagnostic codes?

    Do you find yourself uncertain about the VA Claim language to use in your claim or if you've correctly identified the correct service-connection for your claimed condition?

    Look no further! We specialize in tailoring educational resources to your unique claim, ensuring you have all the information you need.

    Our tailored approach involves crafting an customized educational packet that directly addresses your unique claim and information requirements.

    Our team will educate you through every aspect of your claim, leaving you fully informed and confident about your entitlements.

    Take control of your VA benefits journey with a personalized educational packet.

  • DBQ & Nexus Statement Review

    Attention, veterans! Are you confident that your Disability Benefits Questionnaire (DBQ) and Nexus Statement is actionable and sufficient when it comes to rating your condition? Many veterans unknowingly submit incomplete or inaccurate DBQs and Nexus Statements.

    But fear not! We're here to have your back. Our team will meticulously review your completed DBQ & Nexus to make sure they are completed correctly and per VA guidelines. We know what makes a DBQ & Nexus sufficient for rating purposes.

    Don't leave your benefits to chance. Let us fine-tune your DBQ & Nexus, so you can march confidently towards the compensation you've earned. Your peace of mind and financial security are just a click away.


  • Private Q & A Session

    Are you confused and frustrated with the VA compensation benefits process? Whether you are filing a disability claim for the very first time or going back for an increase, the KMD89 team member will EDUCATE you on the claims process so that you can maximize your VA disability benefits. (THIS IS NOT A HOW TO SESSION ON YOUR PERSONAL CLAIM)

  • Service Treatment Record Review

    Do you have your service medical records from active duty but are unsure how to find the reported conditions, treatments, diagnoses, and injuries you sustained during your active-duty service? We will perform an in-depth review of your service-medical records and go over our findings with you. We will also answer any questions you may have about your service records.

  • Rating Decision Review

    Our team will exam your VA claim rating decision, focusing on verifying that the proper effective date has been applied based on the evidence considered. This critical review has the potential to affect the amount of back pay you are entitled to. Furthermore, our evaluation aims to uncover any possible mistakes made by the VA rating specialist during their assessment. To achieve this, it may be necessary to examine additional evidence to support a thorough and accurate determination.